April 9, 2018

SUFB 453: Atlantic Right Whales In Trouble; My Opinion on Marine Documentaries; and, Oil Spill And Fire in Borneo

SUFB 453: Atlantic Right Whales In Trouble; My Opinion on Marine Documentaries; and, Oil Spill And Fire in Borneo

There is a lot to update you on the program today. I first talk about the 10% loss in population of North Atlantic Right Whales and why there is such a decline; My opinion on the validity of Marine Conservation Documentaries and their manipulation of...

There is a lot to update you on the program today. I first talk about the 10% loss in population of North Atlantic Right Whales and why there is such a decline; My opinion on the validity of Marine Conservation Documentaries and their manipulation of what a marine environment should look like; and, an oil spill ignited in Indonesian Borneo killing 4 fishers and adding toxic chemicals into the atmosphere affecting the air quality of the local community. 

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

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