Sept. 15, 2018

SUFB 567: 10 Tips For Oceanpreneurs Part 1

SUFB 567: 10 Tips For Oceanpreneurs Part 1

I have had the opportunity in life to pursue a business idea that I feel will leave a legacy in Marine Science and Conservation. I wanted to do it because I felt that the ideas that I had could not be done with any other organization, government...

I have had the opportunity in life to pursue a business idea that I feel will leave a legacy in Marine Science and Conservation. I wanted to do it because I felt that the ideas that I had could not be done with any other organization, government department or company as I have a vision as to how it would move forward. I became an Oceanpreneur and I am not the only one out there.

There are more people everyday seeking a way to innovate and create an new path to conduct Marine Science and Conservation. Dr. Austin Gallagher is one of those people and he contacted me last week with an idea for a show. The idea was to offer 10 tips for Oceanpreneurs as a way to share our experiences and lessons learned over our careers. 

This episode consists of tips 1-5 (the show is longer than our regular intervals...sorry, but we had a lot to say) and tomorrow's episode will consist of tips 6-10. 

If you are, or thinking about becoming an Oceanpreneur, listen to this episode and let us know what you think in the Facebook Group.

Austin's Information:

Website: Beneath The Waves



Enjoy the Podcast!!!

Consider joining the Patreon Community to support our show and check out what we are doing with Speak Up For Blue, after all, I am a self proclaimed Oceanpreneur.