Nov. 17, 2018

SUFB 628: Calculating My Carbon Footprint

SUFB 628: Calculating My Carbon Footprint

The Canadian Government, led by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, is rolling out the Carbon Tax for Canadians and Businesses. I thought I would take the time to for the past year. I was amazed at how much Carbon I produced for my trips via airplane and...

The Canadian Government, led by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, is rolling out the Carbon Tax for Canadians and Businesses. I thought I would take the time to calculate my family's carbon footprint for the past year. I was amazed at how much Carbon I produced for my trips via airplane and it makes me wonder whether I should curtail travelling based on the carbon that I produce. 

On the other hand, I could implement a carbon offsetting program where I pay to offset my carbon footprint to fund specific projects.

What it your Carbon Footprint? Go to the Speak Up For Blue Facebook Page and calculate your footprint:

Enjoy the Podcast!!!

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